• shadowrocket共享节点


    Dance Noise by Neurogami
    Maximum R&D by Neurogami

    Love me on Spotify!11!1

    American Electronic by James Britt

    Small Guitar Pieces by James Britt

    Maximum R&D by James Britt



    Fallout Culture from 星辰加速 shadow on Vimeo.

    Video for the track "Fallout Culture" from the upcoming neurogami album, Maximum R&D.

    Hear more music at music.neurogami.com

    A Temporary Lattice (beta) from Neurogami on Vimeo.

    Track-in-progress from the upcoming Neurogami album Maximum R&D. See music.neurogami.com for more tracks.

    The video was done using animated GIFs controlled via MIDI. An explanation of the code is at http://neurogami.com/blog/neurogami-scripting-processing-with-midi-using-renoise.html

    Kempten - Concept video from 星光加速ssr on 免费ssr机场.

    A concept video for the track "Kempten", by Neurogami.

    Visit music.neurogami.com for more.

    Morgen from Neurogami on Vimeo.

    Video for the track "Morgen" from the upcoming neurogami album, Maximum R&D.

    Hear more music at music.neurogami.com


    For Neurogami PR stuff see our Marketing page.

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